Deformable Neural Vessel Representations for Unsupervised Video Vessel Segmentation


This paper presents Deformable Neural Vessel Representations (DeNVeR), an unsupervised approach for vessel segmentation in X-ray videos without annotated ground truth. DeNVeR uses optical flow and layer separation, enhancing segmentation accuracy and adaptability through test-time training. A key component of our research is the introduction of the XACV dataset, the first X-ray angiography coronary video dataset with high-quality, manually labeled segmentation ground truth. Our evaluation demonstrates that DeNVeR outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in vessel segmentation. This paper marks an advance in medical imaging, providing a robust, data-efficient tool for disease diagnosis and treatment planning and setting a new standard for future research in video vessel segmentation.

Vessel segmentation methods

Existing self-supervised methods such as SSVS, DARL, and FreeCOS require extensive X-ray images for training, which limits their ability to generalize to new data. Our method overcomes this limitation by leveraging unsupervised test-time training directly on testing videos, eliminating the need for a large annotated dataset. Our approach demonstrates superior segmentation accuracy with finer and more consistent vessel contours, showcasing its robust generalization capabilities with minimal training data.

DeNVeR pipeline

In the preprocessing phase (a), we apply a Hessian-based technique complemented by region growing for frame-specific vessel segmentation. Subsequently, in (b) Stage 1, Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) are employed to model both the background deformation fields and a canonical background image, establishing a baseline devoid of vessel structures via a reconstruction loss criterion. Finally, in (c) Stage 2, the canonical background is held constant while we refine the canonical foreground vessel image, per-frame vessel masks, and their respective motions. This involves the utilization of B-spline parameters to capture vessel and background movement, followed by a warping process that merges the foreground and background layers to reconstruct the frames. The reconstruction loss is minimized to ensure fidelity to the original input frames. This entire pipeline is trained directly on test videos without the need for ground truth segmentation masks.

Eulerian motion field modeling

We model the background heartbeat motion using a B-spline with a lower degree of freedom, while the foreground vessel flow is modeled with a stationary Eulerian motion field that does not vary with time. However, the observed vessel motions from the X-ray videos are from both these factors. Therefore, we obtain the final vessel flow by warping the Eulerian motion with the background flow and then adding the background motion to it.

Parallel vessel motion loss

The vessel's flow direction should align with the travel direction of the vessel mask, leading us to design a parallel vessel motion loss. We apply skeletonization and distance transform to the preprocessed vessel mask to determine the gradient direction at each location. The predicted vessel motion must be perpendicular to these gradients, as shown by the blue arrows.

XACV dataset

Ground truth
Video frame
Ground truth
Video frame
Ground truth
Our XACV dataset

Quantitative evaluation

Category Input Method clDice NSD Jaccard Dice Acc. Sn. Sp.
T Image Hessian 0.577 0.321 0.415 0.584 0.929 0.451 0.990
SS Image SSVS [ICCV 2021] 0.408 0.216 0.355 0.522 0.905 0.471 0.960
DARL [ICLR 2023] 0.605 0.300 0.464 0.631 0.929 0.547 0.978
FreeCOS [ICCV 2023] 0.639 0.461 0.506 0.660 0.941 0.554 0.988
U Video DeNVeR (Ours) 0.704 0.515 0.584 0.733 0.947 0.656 0.985
Method categories: T: traditional, SS: Self-supervised, U: unsupervised.

Visual results



This research was funded by the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, under Grants NSTC 112-2222-E-A49-004-MY2. The authors are grateful to Google, NVIDIA, and MediaTek Inc. for generous donations. Yu-Lun Liu acknowledges the Yushan Young Fellow Program by the MOE in Taiwan.

The website template was borrowed from Michaël Gharbi and Ref-NeRF.